What fun couples have during their Engagement Sessions. They get to roam, discover new places for pics and just be cute and silly. Ashley and Bubba found themselves, along with photographer Sarah Hagerty of Hagerty Photography, at this scene:
Don’t you love it? The graffiti provides a colorful backdrop and the cherry/heart is engagement session perfection!
I love the colors in the background- this is NOT an endorsement for graffiti but hey, if it’s there…
Ashley tells us: Bubba and I actually attended the same very small Catholic high school in Chandler, AZ, but had never even spoken during our 4 years there. Six years later, he was living in San Diego, CA serving in the US Navy, and I moved there to go to law school. A mutual friend came to visit, and realized that we were both living there, so he called us both up to introduce us, because I had just moved there and didn’t know anyone in the city. We met up for sushi, and the rest is history!
When I asked Bubba what his favorite thing about me was, he thought about it for a second and said my patience. He loves how even though in general I don’t have any patience, I have a LOT of patience with him. My favorite thing about him is how he can make me laugh at any moment and in any situation, especially when I’m stressed out. His sense of humor is amazing.
This is one of my favs from the session. Tenderness:
(All images courtesy of Hagerty Photography)
Congratulations to Ashley and Bubba- they are getting married this Fall and we are so excited for them! Ashley, Bubba and Sarah, thanks for sharing!
Chatting Soon~Kelly
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